Day: 10
Lot's of detox stuff going on last night. I got a slight headache before I went to bed and there was a lot of churning going on in my intestines. It's funny, I posted on Day 9 that I had two solid eliminations. later on it became six and it was as if the dam lots of cleaning going on in there. I noticed on the juice feasting time line, that enemas are to be done for a full 20 days.. I was under the impression that I was only to do it for 7 days and every couple of days thereafter. I am glad I had an enema today. I feel 100% better.
My sleeping patterns
Last nights sleep: I slept very well.
Night sweats: None
Chills: None
Dreams: I had a dream that I was eating Mashed potatoes. I can't remember mush else. I woke up feeling guilty for thinking I broke my juice feast.
Energy level upon waking: Moderate, then gaining more energy after the enema.
Mood level upon waking: Good
Juice Schedule
My personal Juice Schedule:
32 ounces of water w/ lemon and MSM*
Time: 9:00am
32 ounces of green juice (celery, cucumber, spinach, green apples, grapefruit and beet greens)
Time: 11:00am
32 ounces of carrot, ginger and beet w/ Patagonia* bee pollen
Time: 2:30pm
32 ounces of green juice (celery, cucumber, spinach, green apples grapefruit and beet greens) w/ Nutiva* organic hemp oil.
Time: 5:30pm
32 ounces of green juice (celery, cucumber, spinach, green apples grapefruit and beet greens)
Time: 8:30pm
Detox Symptoms: I still have a very fine rash on my forehead and cheeks.
Eliminations: Several intestinal eliminations today.
Food cravings: None
Physical changes: I'm gaining some strength in my legs and I'm begging to see my body taking on a sleeker appearance.
Emotional changes: I had an emotional breakthrough today. Lots of tears. I'm not even sure why I was crying. I think was my reaction to, what I experienced as, a release today. I felt a since of freedom from the deep emotional chains that surrounded me for many years. I have always harnessed my emotions because I didn't want to deal with them.
Exercise: I didn't do any exercise today. I may try to do some yoga later on this
Walking to regain strength in my legs: None
Belly dancing: None
Muscle toning: None
Challenges: None today
My starting weight: 143lbs
Todays weight: 140lbs. (I seem to be experiencing a weight plateau)
Total weight loss since juice feasting began: 3lbs
My future self expresses emotions in a healthy way.