Saturday, June 28, 2008

Life After Juice Feasting

Life After Juice feasting (Day 28)

It's been 28 days since I broke my juice feast. Settling back into eating has its challenges. Everything tastes so good. I have to watch myself carefully, as to not awaken old overeating habits. Being 100% raw vegan is a permanent lifestyle for me. I am setting new goals for myself as far as physical exercise. I was not very good about keeping up a routine in the past and my muscle tone reveals my neglect. I am continuing to feel fantastic. If It were possible, I would juice feast
for a year. It's not recommended to juice feast more than 3 months unless you
are under the care of a professional.

My sleeping patterns
Last nights sleep: Very Good
Night sweats: None
Chills: None

Dreams: I have some memory. Only bits and pieces.
Energy level upon waking: Moderate
Mood level upon waking: Very Good

This is what I had today

16 ounces of coconut water

Mixed sprout salad and dulse over baby greens w/ sunflower seeds and pepita seeds w/ flax seed oil, hemp oil, dried herbs and apple cider vinegar.

Flax crackers

Watermelon slices

8 oz of soaked prunes

Detox Symptoms: A little more sleepy then normal.

Eliminations: Daily
Food cravings: Only for raw vegan live food.

Physical changes: I started putting some weight back on. I did get pretty thin while juice feasting. I am now needing to maintain my current weight.
Emotional changes: I feel content and happy
Exercise: Walking to regain strength in my legs: 30 min

Challenges: Keeping the "sleeping giant"(appetite)from waking up, out of control.

My starting weight: 143 lbs
My juice feasting ending weight 119 lbs
Todays weight: 125 lbs
Total weight loss since juice feasting began: 24 lbs

Weight gain post juice feast: 6 lbs

My Goal is to create new emotionally healthy eating habits
My future self has a garden full of organic greens and luscious fruit trees .

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day 7 post Juice feast

Day 7 post Juice feast

Hi Everyone,
It's been 7 days since the end of my juice feast. I have been taking it very slow getting back into the world of eating. It was so easy juicing. Now I have to watch myself to make sure I don't overeat. so far I have only been able to drink smoothies and eat fruit. Tonight I will have my first salad. I am going to put the greens in my food processor and chop them until they are fine. My tummy is like a baby's right now, so I am treating it that way.

My sleeping patterns
Last nights sleep: Very Good
Night sweats: None
Chills: None
Dreams: I dreamed about eating cooked food last night and I awakened this morning thinking I had undone all the cleansing I had done for the last 3 months.
Energy level upon waking: Moderated. Now that I am eating, I find myself feeling like I need a nap in the middle of the day.
Mood level upon waking: Very Good

Juice Schedule
My personal Juice Schedule:

32 ounces of water w/ lemon and MSM*
Time: 9:00

I drank the soak water from 8 oz of prunes and I ate 4 oz of prunes
Time: 1:00am

I ate a bunch of organic red grapes
Time: 3:30pm

32 ounces of Green Smoothie (spinach, arugula, celery, avocado, and garlic) w/Chanca piedra* extract
Time: 5:00pm

Green salad( mustard, turnip and collard greens and spinach) w/ dressing made with flax oil, apple cider vinegar and a blend of dried herbs.
Time: 7:00pm

Detox Symptoms: A little more sleepy then normal.
Eliminations: Frequently but not uncomfortable. I had a lot of gas on day 1 and it was gone by day two. I haven't had an enema since day one, however, I feel a weekly maintenance is a good idea.

Food cravings: Yes and I want to eat everything. I know that I need to be very conscious about what and how much I eat.
Physical changes: I've gotten very slender, my skin is smooth and clear. I have mental clarity and physical energy. My chronic health issues have improved greatly. I feel like a different person is living in my body.

Emotional changes: I feel content and happy
Exercise: Walking to regain strength in my legs: 30 min
Belly dancing: None
Muscle toning: 30 min

Challenges: Keeping the "sleeping giant"(appetite)from waking up, out of control.

My starting weight: 143lbs
Todays weight: 119lbs (So far, I haven't gained any weight back).
Total weight loss since juice feasting began: 24lbs

My Goal is to create new emotionally healthy eating habits
My future self has a garden full of organic greens and luscious fruit trees .

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 1 post Juice feast

I awakened this morning in anticipation of creating my sacred space. I had soaked my prunes over night and was now ready to consume the soak water. Before I started, I had to verbally express my whole experience with juice feasting spiritually with my SO (significant other). It added power to my sacred ritual. He has been patient and understanding every step of the way, even though he was not a part of the juice feast. I love him so much for supporting me. There have been some concerns about how thin I am and I want everyone to know that I am ok. Eating will put some weight back on. I had been blogging here as well as on and everyone has been a major support in my accomplishment. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all have been wonderful. I want to also thank David and Katrina for an outstanding job creating the global juice feast and an awesome community...happy tears and a BIG HUG!!!

My sleeping patterns
Last nights sleep: Very Good
Night sweats: None
Chills: None
Dreams: No memory
Energy level upon waking: High
Mood level upon waking: Very Good

Juice Schedule
My personal Juice Schedule:

I drank the soak water from 8 oz of dried prunes and from that I ate 6 prunes
Time: 9:00am

32 ounces of water w/ lemon and MSM*
Time: 11:00

32 ounces of Watermelon
Time: 1:30pm

More prunes with 32 ounces of Green Juice (Bok choy, cucumber, celery, basil, romaine, garlic ginger and green apples) w/Chanca piedra* extract
Time: 3:00pm

32 ounces of Green Juice ( Bok choy, cucumber, celery, basil, romaine, garlic, ginger and green apples)
Time: 7:00pm

Detox Symptoms: No obvious symptoms
Eliminations: I started eliminating within an hour after eating the prunes.

Food cravings: None
Physical changes: I've gotten very slender, my skin is smooth and clear. I have mental clarity and physical energy.

Emotional changes: I've been very emotional and quiet for the past few days
Exercise: Walking to regain strength in my legs: 30 min
Belly dancing: None
Muscle toning: 30 min

Challenges: None at this time.
My starting weight: 143lbs
Todays weight: 119lbs (I'm a little underweight but not worried about it).
Total weight loss since juice feasting began: 24lbs

My Goal is to create new emotionally healthy eating habits
My future self has a garden full of organic greens and luscious fruit trees.