I went to a Meet up last night and the topic was on colonics and the importance of a raw plant based diet. Juice feasting and fasts were also discussed. It was an inspiring experience. I purchased two books by Dr. Norman W. Walker, Colon Health, the key to a vibrant life and Fresh vegetables and fruit juices.
My sleeping patterns
Last nights sleep: Very Good
Night sweats: None
Chills: None
Dreams: No Memory
Energy level upon waking: High
Mood level upon waking: good
Juice Schedule
My personal Juice Schedule:
32 ounces of water w/ lemon and MSM*
Time: 9:00am
32 ounces of green juice (celery, cucumber, spinach, romaine, green apples and a shot of wheatgrass) w/ Nutiva* organic hemp oil.
Time: 11:00am
32 ounces of honeydew melon
Time: 1:30pm
32 ounces of green juice(celery, cucumber, spinach, romaine, and green apples)
Time: 4:30pm
32 ounces of green juice(celery, cucumber, spinach, romaine and green apples)
Time: 7:00pm
Detox Symptoms: Fuzzy teeth again. I have to keep brushing them. I have some skin break outs on my face today.
Eliminations: It's been two days since I had an enema. No bowel elimination. It is time for an enema in the morning.
Food cravings: None
Physical changes: Scare tissue from surgery is reducing
Emotional changes: Feeling great
Exercise: Walking to regain strength in my legs: 30 min
Belly dancing: None
Muscle toning: I really need to do this
Challenges: None today
My starting weight: 143lbs
Todays weight: 133lbs
Total weight loss since juice feasting began: 10lbs
My Goal is to create new emotionally healthy eating habits
My future self has a garden full of organic greens and luscious fruit trees .
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