Day: 16
Lots of energy today. Not quite sure what to do with it. I haven't felt this way in such a long time. I had been sick for so long that this energy seems foreign to me.
I feel great!
My sleeping patterns
Last nights sleep: Very good sleep
Night sweats: A little
Chills: None
Dreams: I went to visit my son and I was helping him set up his new home. That's all I can remember.
Energy level upon waking: High
Mood level upon waking: Very good
Juice Schedule
My personal Juice Schedule:
32 ounces of water w/ lemon and MSM*
Time: 9:00am
32 ounces of green juice (celery, cucumber, spinach, and green apples)
Time: 11:00am
32 ounces of carrot, beet, and ginger
32 ounces of green juice (celery, cucumber, spinach, and green apples) w/ Nutiva* organic hemp oil.
Time: 4:30pm
32 ounces of green juice (celery, cucumber, spinach, and green apples)
Time: 8:30pm
Detox Symptoms: None today
Eliminations: No enema today. No intestinal eliminations. I do have frequent urinating.
Food cravings: None today
Physical changes: I noticed a few small dry patches on my face today, otherwise, my skin looks good.
Emotional changes: still feeling pretty good
Exercise: Walking to regain strength in my legs: None
Belly dancing: 1 hour
Muscle toning: None
Challenges: None
My starting weight: 143lbs
Todays weight: 140lbs. (plateau)
Total weight loss since juice feasting began: 3lbs
My Goal is to become healthy in mind, body and spirit.
My future sees every minute of the day as a sacred opportunity.
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